Thank you for taking our quiz
Check out our recs for you!

Business English Proficiency online training
Based on your answers we recommend these courses:
English proficiency course

Make that move towards English Proficiency and study when and where you want!
general & Business advanced English
flexible on-demand courses
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Advanced English Conversation course

Improve your ability to express yourself & discuss complex topics
weekly classes
group or individual sessions
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English Club by English Digital Academy

Monthly tasks and meet up to expand your knowledge and enhance your English!
high-level English
group or individual sessions
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Book Lab by English Digital Academy

The ultimate course for bookworms who love talking about books
read a whole book in English
join 6 live sessions to discuss and share your ideas
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Individual English lessons

Create your own study path, work on your personal goals, go at your own pace. One-to-one lessons with Cambridge certified English teacher.